Hi people
today i have something nice! i needed to export a simulink modell to powerpoint, and i did not want to make a screen shot. the clue is saveppt.
to use the program, i typed:
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
export a matlab figure or simulink modell to powerpoint
saveppt('test.ppt','title of the slide','-sTheNameOfTheModell')
Posted by
11:03 AM
Labels: matlab
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
check if a excel workbook is open
hi people, today, i discovered this function. it is very usefull, thanks to the authors.
the link to the function is here.
and the function is here:
Function WorkbookOpen(WorkBookName As String) As Boolean
' returns TRUE if the workbook is open
WorkbookOpen = False
On Error GoTo WorkBookNotOpen
If Len(Application.WorkBooks(WorkBookName).Name) > 0 Then
WorkbookOpen = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function
to call this function, use for example:
If Not WorkbookOpen("MyWorkbookName.xls") Then
Workbooks.Open "MyWorkbookName.xls"
End If
Posted by
11:48 AM
Labels: vba
Monday, December 3, 2007
vba function to calculate the column value from a number
Hi, this function returns a script, which contains the value of the columns for excel. for example, if you call MyColumn(1), you'll get the string "A". If you call MyColumn(27), you'll get "AA".
Function myColumn(column As Integer) As String
' author: tomas mezger
' tmezger_at_ffe.de
' date: 12.10.2007
' this function returns a script, which contains the value of
' the columns for excel
' for example,
' MyColumn(1) = A
' MyColumn(26) = Z
' MyColumn(27) = AA
' MyColumn(100) = CV
' MyColumn(256) = IV
' MyColumn(257) = NULL <--- Error. Excel has only 256 columns!!!!
Dim column1 As Integer
Dim column2 As Integer
column2 = (column - 1) Mod 26 + 65
'MyColumn2 = Chr(column2)
' das liefert das hintere Teil des Bezuges
If column > 256 Then
myColumn = "NULL"
MsgBox ("Error, column must be <= 256 !!!")
If column <= 26 Then
myColumn = Chr(column2)
column1 = WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(((column - 1) / 26), 0) + 64
myColumn = Chr(column1) & Chr(column2)
End If
End If
End Function
Posted by
1:19 PM
Labels: vba
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